DJS Thanks for the post, which I look forward to reading tonight when I have more time.
Slimboyfat " There are no facts only interpretations. That's why I suggested to Paul Grundy years ago he should change his site from jwfacts to jwinterpretations."
The Rebel, Slim is it not a fact that Paul Grundy did not change his site from jwfacts to jwinterpretations?
Anyway according to the watchtower " The indisputable facts, show that the " time of the end" begang in 1799. ( W.T, March 1 1922) In fact the proof is quite clear and convincing that the second presence of our Lord dates from 1874" ( W.T Feb 15 1927)
Well in my opinion the " indisputable facts " are that the W.T doesnt know what a fact is. Does anybody here dispute the fact that the W.T society has a history of failed date setting and discarded doctrine?
If you don't agree that's a " fact" please clarify why?
The Rebel.